
Barton-on-Sea Golf Club


Here at Barton-on-Sea Golf Club, we pride ourselves on having the best golf shop and practice facilities in the area.


Prices per person

Coffee, snack lunch, 18 holes £100.00
Coffee, 2 course dinner, 18 holes £107.00
Coffee, snack lunch, 27 holes £125.00
Coffee, snack lunch, 2 course dinner, 27 holes £145.00
Coffee, snack lunch, 36 holes POA
Coffee, snack lunch, 2 course dinner, 36 holes POA

Societies wishing to book are requested to complete and return the booking form, available to download, with a non-returnable deposit of £100 to: Barton-on-Sea Golf Club, Milford Road, New Milton, Hampshire BH25 5PP

Please ensure that all members of your society are aware of our dress regulations. To view the dress code, please click here .

Winter Warmer Special Offer   Winter Warmer MENU & T&C
Society Terms & Conditions
  • Catering must be included for a society booking
  • Minimum number for a society is 12 persons
  • Please choose one choice from the menu for the whole party
  • Meals will be charged for if cancelled without 48 hours notice
  • Special dietary requirements require 48 hours notice
  • Societies must play to their allocated times and no exceptions will be made
  • Choice of courses cannot be confirmed until 7 days prior to playing
  • Prices inclusive of VAT @ 20%
  • Payment by debit/credit cards only. Cash and cheques will not be accepted.
  • Please ensure all in your party comply with the dress regulations.
  • Whilst handicap certificates are not required to be shown before playing, society visitors are expected to be capable players with knowledge of the rules and etiquette of golf. Society visitors are reminded to pick up the pace and be courteous to other players, calling through the group behind if necessary. Barton-on-Sea Golf Club reserves the right to remove any player who does not comply with these requirements.
  • Towels not available - please bring your own.
  • Buggies must be booked directly with the Pro Shop on 01425 615308 option 1.
  • Invoice to be paid in full; individual payments not accepted.
T: 01425 615308 | E:

Barton-on-Sea Golf Club , Milford Road, New Milton , Hampshire BH25 5PP


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